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Contoh Bab 1 Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Bab 1 Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

Berikut adalah contoh Bab 1 dalam sebuah skripsi berbahasa Inggris:


1.1 Background of the Study The introduction provides an overview of the research topic, highlighting the background and context of the study. It presents the rationale for conducting the research and explains the significance of the chosen topic. In this section, the researcher discusses the current state of knowledge in the field and identifies any gaps or areas that need further investigation.

1.2 Research Problem The research problem outlines the specific issue or gap in the existing literature that the study aims to address. It identifies the main research question or questions that will guide the investigation. The research problem should be clearly stated and justified based on the background information provided earlier.

1.3 Research Objectives The research objectives state the specific goals or aims of the study. They should be derived from the research problem and provide a clear direction for the research. The objectives should be concise, measurable, and achievable within the scope of the study.

1.4 Research Questions The research questions are specific inquiries that the study seeks to answer. They should directly relate to the research objectives and address the gaps identified in the literature. The research questions guide the data collection and analysis process and help to structure the study.

1.5 Significance of the Study The significance of the study explains the potential contributions and benefits of the research. It highlights the practical, theoretical, and academic implications of the findings. This section demonstrates the importance of the study and its potential impact on the field of research or the wider society.

1.6 Scope and Limitations The scope of the study defines the boundaries within which the research will be conducted. It specifies the population, geographical area, time frame, and other relevant parameters. The limitations of the study outline any constraints or challenges that may affect the research process or the generalizability of the findings.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms This section provides clear definitions of key terms and concepts used in the study. It ensures that the reader understands the specific meanings attributed to certain terms and avoids any ambiguity or misunderstanding.

1.8 Organization of the Thesis The organization of the thesis describes the structure and sequence of the chapters or sections in the research document. It provides an overview of what will be covered in each chapter and how they are connected. This section helps the reader navigate through the thesis and understand its logical flow.

1.9 Summary The summary of Chapter 1 briefly recaps the main points discussed in the introduction. It reinforces the research problem, objectives, and questions, as well as the significance and scope of the study. This section prepares the reader for the subsequent chapters and sets the stage for the rest of the research.

Note: The content and structure of Chapter 1 may vary depending on the specific requirements of the academic institution or the research field. It is essential to consult the guidelines provided by your institution and adapt the example above accordingly.


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